Friday, June 15, 2012

Tro Net At Da Buggah

Throwing net with Hi'ilei Kawelo

This past, past Tuesday we learned how to throw net with Hi'ilei. Another fishing day once again. We learned how to hold the net, how to set it up, and overall how to throw. This involved a lot of practice on the grass as we each took turns setting up the nets in our hands on our own, then we all threw it out catching the grass. Some people's nets turned out to be the shape of kaua'i, almost a full circle, hi'ilei's looked like a spitting image of the sun or the moon, and other's came out looking like the island of moloka'i. Something went wrong in the way it was thrown in that case. Your pinky is the last thing to be released and many people forgot that. Then after a couple hours of practice, we put our newly acquire skills into action outside the walls boundaries. BI oth Hi'ilei and Koa came back with some fish, which some were thrown into the pond, and others were thrown back into the abyss. Daniel later returned with another catch. This was such a fun day, and I am happy to have learned these skills. 

Below, Leila does her first throw. 

Hi'ilei teaching us the set-up. 

Teaching us the art of throwing. 

Perfectly Sun looking. 

Little hands trying to set it up. 

Anuhea's first throw at it. 

E alu like kakou! 

Hi'ilei showing Daniel exactly how to get it done. 

Koa's first throw was a great one. 

Nikki had a hard time carrying the net, she's so small, but her throw was great! 

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